Posts Tagged ‘bad credit’

Ten Wishes for Christmas 2010

December 21, 2010

by Thomas M. Pender



10.)      A GPS system that actually keeps up with my progress, effectively eliminating the need to utter the phrase “Make the next legal U-turn.”


9.)        An exercise regimen that follows my personal credo “No pain . . . NO PAIN!” and a diet that consists of nothing but all-I-can-eat buffets.


8.)        A forced Saturn recall of the Ions in which the power steering just stopped working.  (Thanks, guys!)


7.)        The ability to wipe out bad credit . . . or at least wipe out those who know about it!


6.)        A Samoyed puppy, especially if it can use the toilet and answer the phone.


5.)        Large, flat televisions that hang up on your wall, and some method by which we can record all the programs we would normally miss! . . . Oh, wait . . .


4.)        A worldwide adjustment to the female human psyche, whereby lazy chubby nerds are deemed the most desirable men on the planet.  (This is not entirely selfish.  I know several people who would appreciate this!)


3.)        Eternal youth for the original cast members of Star Trek and Firefly, plus ongoing television episodes and big-screen adventures.  (This probably proves my point on #4, huh?)


2.)        A doctor’s note, explaining that I have Tourette syndrome  (I don’t actually have Tourette syndrome, but wouldn’t it be great to have a free pass in your wallet, giving you the right to blurt out how you feel about anything or anyone at any given time?)




1.)        The safe and immediate return of every American soldier.  No joke.